The Best Way to Market a Covid-19 Vaccine? (Hint: Very Strategically)

This week, the first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer are being administered across the United States. As the vaccination campaign efforts expand, how can marketing professionals help ensure that Americans — especially the most vulnerable — are vaccinated? Four SensisHealth marketing experts weigh in on “How to Sell the COVID-19 Vaccine.” Here are excerpts from their conversation with PM360:

“Mandates are the least effective form of behavior change. Instead, we should segment the population based on risk aversion. Messaging should be based on a continuum of risk aversion, and it will be very different depending on where one falls on that spectrum.” -- JOSÉ VILLA, PRESIDENT

“When developing an integrated vaccination campaign, we should target groups with historically lower vaccination rates: low-income Black, Hispanic, Indigenous, and ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities. Given the historic mistreatment of certain minority groups at the hands of medical facilities, there is an understandable lingering distrust of doctors.”   -- SHARON CAROTHERS, MANAGING DIRECTOR

“Giving vaccine recipients a platform to publicly verify their vaccination status, and promote vaccination behavior among their respective networks is key. If all this starts to sound familiar, there’s no better campaign model for this approach than the Ice Bucket Challenge.” -- JAVIER SAN MIGUEL, GROUP CREATIVE DIRECTOR

 “The involvement of African American medical, public health, and scholars will be critical to adding a credible voice to persuade Black Americans to believe in a vaccine’s safety and efficacy. Additionally, a robust targeted communications effort leveraging the power and equity of African American celebrities, faith-based institutions, and other advocacy organizations in the community will be key to delivering messaging that resonates.”   -- DALLAS THOMPSON, ACCOUNT DIRECTOR

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